Dr. Rose Ingleton
“As with many things in life, my path as a dermatologist didn’t follow a straight line—in a sense, dermatology found me. Growing up in Jamaica, I didn’t know any dermatologists. It was only during a clinical rotation in med school when I discovered my love for helping people feel at ease in their own skin. To me, that’s what it’s all about.”
Where It All Started
Years ago, while sitting on the beach during a visit back home to Jamaica, Dr. Ingleton felt compelled to bring the ease and beauty of the island into her work. That’s where the idea for a clean, effortless skincare line began. From our choice of ingredients to the simplicity of our regimens, the essence of Jamaica is a constant inspiration for the brand.

5 Questions with Dr. Ingleton
What is your skincare philosophy?
“Simplicity and consistency are key. It’s important to understand how to select products that target your unique needs and give them time to work. The right ingredients will feed your skin and promote a naturally healthy complexion.”
What does a typical day look like for you?
“I aim to start and finish my day with the practice of self-care. It begins with meditation and prayer, and then I do some cycling or yoga for exercise. After that, my day gets busy with patient appointments and working on the skincare line. No matter what the day looks like, I finish with good food, reading, and eight hours of sleep.”
What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to skincare?
“Immediately going for the big name or big price tag without knowing whether it will take care of your skin’s needs. And you don’t have to use several products or follow a lengthy regimen to see results. Sometimes less is more.”
Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?
“I’m endlessly inspired by my mother. She’s consistent in her path and never gives up. I look to her often and remember where I came from. I want to provide for my sons in that same way.”
What's something people would be surprised to learn about you?
“People tend to think I’m a very serious person because of the field I work in. But I’m easygoing, fun, and relaxed—and I have a silly streak. I always find fun and laughter throughout my day.”